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Here’s what you need to know about the fall installment of property taxes

Property tax bills were mailed on April 15, 2021.

Property taxes are available on the Treasurer’s website for 2020 payable 2021.  You may view the amount owed by going to

DEADLINE for the Fall installment is midnight on November 10, 2021.


Saturday Hours:  October 30th, 2021 and November 6th, 2021 – the Treasurer’s office will be collecting property taxes in the downstairs lobby of the County Annex building, 401 S. Adams St., Marion, IN 46953 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  All forms of payment will be accepted.

Pay in Person at the Treasurer’s Office:  The office is located in the County Annex building, 401 S. Adams St., Ste 229, Marion, IN 46953.  Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Payment by Drop Box (24/7):  Leave your payment with the tax statement as well as a self-addressed stamped envelope in the drop box located in the common area between the Annex Building and the Sherriff’s Department.  Or you can utilize the drop box located on the Adams Street entrance.  Deposits must be made before midnight on the due date to avoid a late penalty.

Payment by Mail:  Payment must be mailed to the Grant County Treasurer at 401 S. Adams St., Ste. 229, Marion, IN 46953.  To receive a validated tax receipt you must mail both the Treasurer copy and the Taxpayer copy with a self-addressed, stamped envelope.  It must have a postmark on or before the due date printed on the statement and received in our office within 5 days of the deadline.

Pay at Local Banks:  Payments may be made at Northwest, Via Credit Union, Star Financial Bank, First Farmers Bank & Trust, Grant County State Bank, Fairmount State Bank

Pay by Phone with Credit Card:  To pay by phone using Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, or E-check Dial 1-877-690-3729 and enter the Jurisdiction code 2411.  You will need your parcel number and amount of your payment.  There will be a convenience fee added by Forte of 2.5% for the processing of your tax payment.  There is no additional charge by the Treasurer.  Payments must be made by midnight EST on the Spring and Fall due dates.

Pay Online:  Payments can be made online at using Visa, Master Card, American Express, or Discover. To the left side, you will want to click on the Payment & Services link.  This will direct to you pay using a credit card.  You will need your parcel(s) number and the amount of your payment.  There will be a convenience fee added by Forte of 2.5% for the processing of your tax payment.  There is no additional charge by the Treasurer.  Payments must be made by midnight EST on the Spring and Fall due dates.

If you have signed up for a paperless option, your tax statement will be sent to the email on file with eNotices.  If you have trouble with your eNotice account, please go to

Please be assured that our office is working as quickly as we can to process all mail payments in a timely and efficient manner.  During heavy collection times (end of April through the end of May and end of October through the end of November) while our office strives to post payments as quickly as possible and maintain a level of efficiency with customers in the office, please be patient if we do not get your calls answered right away. If you choose to leave a message, we will get back with you as soon as possible.  You can also email and someone will respond as soon as possible.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 765-668-6556 or email and we will be happy to assist you.

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